Just Ice
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Can you help us buy a freezer van? We want to get our ice cream and message further afield and create more employment. Any help would be amazing!

  • Welcome to ‘The Hatch’ on the edge of Darley Park! Serving you ice cream made here on the premises, waffles on sticks (gluten free), milkshakes and hot drinks. You can find us in the stable yard behind Darley Park Tearooms. Look for the purple flags :-)

  • Imagine a social enterprise where you have great fun making the best artisan ice cream you've ever tasted, using only natural and fair-trade ingredients. Imagine creating employment for people who have been exploited through trafficking and slavery, restoring their dignity and giving them hope and a future. Imagine a profit for purpose enterprise where the profits are used to enhance the lives of those who have experienced severe trauma. That's us. We are Just Ice, and we started 5 years ago and are learning everyday, so look out for us in Darley Abbey Stables in Derby. We’d love to chat to you about serving ice cream at your wedding, business, fair or event. Or maybe about starting a franchise near you?! Let's have fun changing this world together.
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  • Name the event and we will be there! With our mouth watering flavours, seasonal diversity, and happy staff we'll help to make your special day that little bit extra-special and memorable.
    We do weddings, corporate days, birthdays, anniversaries and more!

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    Book a speaker to talk about trafficking and slavery, to teach you to spot the signs or to learn about Just-Ice and how to launch a social enterprise. The possibilities are endless!

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  • At Just-Ice we simply love making a difference. All the delicious ice cream and sorbets are about helping restore dignity, hope and a future for people who've been held in modern slavery in this country. Exploitation is happening all around us often in plain sight. Someone who is vulnerable in some way is offered the chance of a better life. They grab it with both hands but end up being horrifically exploited, often for years. It’s heartbreaking. We want to raise awareness that this is happening and help people who have been affected by it to rebuild their lives.
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